January Releases
Lydia Lukidis is an award-winning author of 50+ trade and educational books for children. Her titles include DANCING THROUGH SPACE: Dr. Mae Jemison Soars to New Heights (Albert Whitman, 2024) and DEEP, DEEP, DOWN: The Secret Underwater Poetry of the Mariana Trench
(Capstone, 2023) which was a Crystal Kite winner, Forest of Reading Silver Birch Express Honor, and Cybils Award nominee. A science enthusiast from a young age, Lydia now incorporates her studies in science and her everlasting curiosity into her books. Another passion of hers is fostering a love for children’s literacy through the writing workshops she regularly offers in elementary schools across Quebec with the Culture in the Schools program. Lydia is represented by literary agent Miranda Paul from the Erin Murphy Literary Agency. For more information, please visit www.lydialukidis.com. Look up--into the blue and beyond. What do you see? The sky--our atmosphere--may seem empty or invisible. But is it? Using spare, lyrical language, author Lydia Lukidis (Deep, Deep Down: The Secret Underwater Poetry of the Mariana Trench) takes readers on an imagined journey up, up high to discover the surprising and wonderous things flying, floating, and happening between the treetops and the stars in this STEM-based picture book. Hardcover: 9781630793043 PURCHASE |
February Releases
Ann Marie Stephens is the author of numerous picture books including the Arithmechicks series, the CATastrophe! series and more. Her books have been translated into several languages and have been featured on lists such as, Fuse #8, Children’s Book Council, and Hot Off the Press. Ann Marie’s poetry and literacy work has been included in Bon Appetit Magazine and on NPR. She is also a retired, award-winning elementary teacher and mentor with over 30 years in the classroom. She’s taught dozens of original writing and education-based workshops for children, educators, and authors through The Writing Barn, Chautauqua Institution, and various school systems. She was a contributing author for Kwame Alexander’s The Write Thing, and a co-writer for Scholastic’s Trait Crate Plus for third and fifth grade. She is represented by Emily Mitchell at Wernick & Pratt Agency and lives in Virginia. Visit her at www.annmariestephensbooks.com
It’s a wonderful day—because it’s STEM day! Kitties are challenged to build a robot and use the wind to make it move. With circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles, the kitties do their best to tape, glue, and paste—but oh no! The robot won’t move. How might these disorderly cats make sense of all these shapes and build a successful robot? Math-loving kittens race to build the best robot as they compete in a STEM day at school in this playful picture book that demonstrates the key math concept of identifying shapes. Hardcover: ISBN 9781635927986 PURCHASE |
Ann Marie Stephens is the author of numerous picture books including the Arithmechicks series, the CATastrophe! series and more. Her books have been translated into several languages and have been featured on lists such as, Fuse #8, Children’s Book Council, and Hot Off the Press. Ann Marie’s poetry and literacy work has been included in Bon Appetit Magazine and on NPR. She is also a retired, award-winning elementary teacher and mentor with over 30 years in the classroom. She’s taught dozens of original writing and education-based workshops for children, educators, and authors through The Writing Barn, Chautauqua Institution, and various school systems. She was a contributing author for Kwame Alexander’s The Write Thing, and a co-writer for Scholastic’s Trait Crate Plus for third and fifth grade. She is represented by Emily Mitchell at Wernick & Pratt Agency and lives in Virginia. Visit her at www.annmariestephensbooks.com
The CATastrophe! cats are back, this time causing even more chaos! Nine kitties are purring with excitement for Grandma Cat’s upcoming visit. They’re going to throw her a party with cake, decorations, and a special gift. But when frantically cleaning cats misjudge how many toys they can hide in a closet, catastrophe looms. . . . Math-loving kittens prepare a party for their number-one grandmother in this playful picture book that demonstrates the key math concept of estimation. Hardcover: ISBN 9781635927979 PURCHASE |
Children’s book author and indie publisher Darcy Pattison has written over seventy award-winning fiction and non-fiction books for children. Five books have received starred PW, Kirkus, or BCCB reviews. Awards include the Irma Black Honor award, five NSTA Outstanding Science Trade Books, four Eureka! Nonfiction Honor book (CA Reading Assn.), two Junior Library Guild selections, two CLA Notable Children’s Book in Language Arts, a Notable Social Studies Trade Book, a Best STEM Book, an Arkansiana Award, and the Susannah DeBlack Arkansas Children’s History Book award. She’s the 2007 recipient of the Arkansas Governor’s Arts Award for Individual Artist for her work in children’s literature. Her books have been translated into ten languages.
In a charming garden of London, a tiny hero emerges – Jeremy, a garden snail with a remarkable difference. Unlike his right-coiled companions, Jeremy's shell spirals to the left, making him a one-in-a-million wonder. Little does Jeremy know that his unique shell is about to catapult him into a worldwide adventure, captivating scientists, and snail enthusiasts alike! 9781629442556 PURCHASE |
Carrie Tillotson is the author of children's books like Alpacas Here, Alpacas There and Counting to Bananas. Her books have received starred reviews, appeared on state lists, and won awards including the Good Housekeeping Kids' Book Award and SCBWI Crystal Kite Honor Award. After getting a master's degree in public health, Carrie worked as a biostatistician for more than ten years and now sculpts her interests in science into playful picture books. Carrie lives in Oregon with her husband, son, and two dogs. Visit her at www.carrietillotson.com
Thousands of years ago, people living high in the Andes Mountains of South America domesticated alpacas from wild animals. Today, millions of alpacas are still raised in the Andes, but alpaca farming has also spread to North America and around the world. Find out all there is to know about the lives of alpacas, here, there, and everywhere! Hardcover: 9781665942027 PURCHASE |
Award-winning author Elizabeth Shreeve writes children’s books that celebrate the origins and diversity of life on Earth. Recent nonfiction titles include The Oddball Book of Armadillos and The Upside-Down Book of Sloths (Norton Young Readers, 2024 and 2023) and Out of the Blue: How Animals Evolved from Prehistoric Seas (Candlewick Press, 2021). Her new title, On an Ocean Journey, is a collaboration with beloved artist Ray Troll. Elizabeth lives in northern California with her family, including Hector the PaleoDog. Visit her at www.elizabethshreeve.com, YouTube: Elizabeth Shreeve Books, and @ShreeveBooks. Visit her at www.elizabethshreeve.com, YouTube: Elizabeth Shreeve Books, and @ShreeveBooks.
With rhythmic text and stunning artwork, this picture book explores the animals and habitats of the world’s one ocean. Dive in to discover the dynamic habitat of the Earth’s one ocean and the many ways sea creatures move through their watery world. The book includes kid-friendly information on conservation of marine resources and a short field guide for the wildlife featured in artwork by beloved Alaskan artist Ray Troll. Ages 5-9. Hardcover: ISBN 9781632175397 PURCHASE |
Carol Foote is a former freelance science writer and photojournalist with master’s degrees in history and journalism. She taught science news writing and photojournalism at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Her work has appeared in Time, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and popular science magazines. TROUBLE DOG is her debut picture book.
A thrilling story of a dog who finds the perfect job and a loving home, based on the real canine heroes of Working Dogs for Conservation.Tucker the dog never means to be trouble: he just loves to play. But at the animal shelter, every visitor says he's too much trouble--until Laura. Laura thinks Tucker might be just right for a very special job. Could all his energy make him an amazing conservation dog? Laura trains Tucker to track down Gila monsters, endangered flowers, even grizzly bear poop. With colorful, endearing art and dashes of humor, Trouble Dog invites children to join scientists--and their canine colleagues--in their work to save wildlife around the world. Readers will cheer for Tucker's inspiring journey from shelter dog to eager trainee to confident globetrotter. The story concludes with photos and further information about the real dogs and trainers of Working Dogs for Conservation, the world's largest and oldest conservation dog organization. Hardcover: 9780802855817 PURCHASE |
March Releases
Elizabeth Shreeve writes children’s books that celebrate the origins and diversity of life on Earth. Recent nonfiction titles include The Oddball Book of Armadillos and The Upside-Down Book of Sloths (Norton Young Readers, 2024 and 2023) and Out of the Blue: How Animals Evolved from Prehistoric Seas (Candlewick Press, 2021). Her new title, On an Ocean Journey, is a collaboration with beloved artist Ray Troll. Elizabeth lives in northern California with her family, including Hector the PaleoDog.
With rhythmic text and stunning artwork, this picture book explores the animals and habitats of the world’s one ocean. Dive in to discover the dynamic habitat of the Earth’s one ocean and the many ways sea creatures move through their watery world. The book includes kid-friendly information on conservation of marine resources and a short field guide for the wildlife featured in artwork by beloved Alaskan artist Ray Troll. Ages 5-9. Hardcover: 9781632175397 PURCHASE |
Melissa Stewart has written more than 200 science books for children, garnering such awards as the Sibert Honor, AAAS/Subaru Prize for Excellence in Science Books, eighteen NSTA Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students, two Green Earth Book Awards, and three ALA Notables. She co-wrote 5 Kinds of Nonfiction: Enriching Reading and Writing Instruction with Children’s Books, edited the anthology Nonfiction Writers Dig Deep: 50 Award-winning Authors Share the Secret of Engaging Writing, and maintains the award-winning blog Celebrate Nonfiction.
Big mammals like elephants, hippos, and giraffes get a lot of press, but what about the little critters? From pint-sized flying squirrels to itty bitty mouse lemurs, learn all about the mini-est mammals from around the world, depicted at their real-life size. Delightful illustrations and lively text perfect for read alouds combine in this adorable and informative picture book from Sibert Honoree Melissa Stewart and Caldecott Honoree Brian Lies. Hardcover: 9781665947169 PURCHASE |
Chicago author Kate Hannigan writes fiction and nonfiction for young readers. Her picture book biographies, graphic novels, and middle-grade fiction have won awards and been named to state lists. Kate's STEM books about inventors, Josephine and Her Dishwashing Machine and Blips on a Screen, have been named NSTA-CBC Best STEM Books, and her biography about barrier-breaking journalists, Nellie Vs. Elizabeth, was named to Smithsonian Magazine's annual "Top Ten Children's Books."
Rachel Carson's Wonder-Filled World tells the story of how a young girl's passion for exploring the outdoors and love of writing led her to inspire generations of others to protect the oceans, animals, air, and beauty of the world around us. Hardcover: 9781662680571 PURCHASE |
Nora Nickum leads conservation policy work for the Seattle Aquarium and writes articles and books for children about STEM and nature topics, including Superpod: Saving the Endangered Orcas of the Pacific Northwest and This Book Is Full of Holes: From Underground to Outer Space and Everywhere In Between, which was also illustrated by Robert Meganck. Nora lives with her family on an island in Washington state, where she enjoys spotting the tiny bubbly hideouts that spittlebugs make on plant stems.
This book really pops, full as it is of fascinating bubbles—useful and entertaining, noisy and silencing, lifesaving and dangerous, microscopic and bigger than a sports stadium. Hardcover: 9781682637319 PURCHASE |
Sara Levine is an award-winning author of over a dozen books, including Bone by Bone: Comparing Animal Skeletons, Flower Talk, Sensitive, and A Terrible Place for a Nest. Her books have received The AAAS/Subaru SB&F Prize for Excellence in Science Books, Junior Library Book Selection, Cook Prize, Mathical Book Prize and Bank Street Collect Best Children's Book of the Year. She's a veterinarian and educator, and enjoys doing author visits to schools and libraries.
This delightful guide encourages readers to properly interact with the furry companions. With a charming cast of dogs, sweet art, and a fun special format, this is the perfect gift book for families looking to adopt a furry friend, or anyone who wants to celebrate our canine pals. Hardcover: 9781250797025 PURCHASE |
Ginny Neil is happiest when she has paint under her fingernails, a pencil in her hand, or mud between her toes. Her creative mind has led to awards in the classroom and as a picture book author/illustrator. She writes for both children and adults. Her picture book THE GLORIOUS FOREST THAT FIRE BUILT was then winner of both the Blueberry Honor Book Award and the Eureka Honor Book Award. Ginny lives in Virginia. SALAMANDER SONGis her second book.
Salamanders and children alike hear the rhythms and song of the seasons as winter gives way to spring. Salamanders begin to squirm and stretch in the early spring sun, while the children and their teacher plan. They meet on a night of salamander rain (the first warm rain of spring), when the children and their teacher work to help the salamanders cross a busy road to the vernal pool on the other side. This lyrical, parallel narrative story reinforces the idea that kids can make a big difference. The author's note includes information about amphibian migrations and descriptions of citizen science activities that kids can participate in to help keep the world wild and beautiful. Hardcover: 9781668945094 PURCHASE |
Nancy Castaldo has written books about our planet for over 25 years. They have received multi-starred reviews, appeared on state lists, been chosen as Junior Library Guild Selections, and received awards such as NSTA's Outstanding Science Trade Book, Green Earth Award, and Crystal Kite Award.
Discover how community action saves the whales of New York Harbor and reversed the effects of climate change in award-winning author Nancy Castaldo's Whales in the City. Hardcover: 9780374308568 PURCHASE |
Ashlee Hashman is a former math teacher turned stay-at-home mom and author. When she isn't getting starry-eyed over space facts, Ashlee's planetside adventures include wrangling her two kids, playing music, and reading. She lives with her family in Missouri. Girls Belong in Space is her first picture book.
From launching the first US astronauts into space to guiding rovers to Mars, Girls Belong in Space introduces young dreamers to innovative women who prove that girls can do anything and go anywhere! This lyrical and inspiring picture book celebrates women who soared to new heights in the field of aerospace and space exploration and is a perfect pick for fans of Mae Among the Stars and the She Persisted series. Hardcover: 9780063247840 PURCHASE |